The aXcelerate team, dressed in green and black shirts, smiling to camera
The aXcelerate woman's leadership team sit around a table to discuss social initiatives

Looking forward

Our mission has always been to support life-long learning and empower individuals and organisations with the skills, knowledge, and competencies to thrive in a rapidly evolving world. Our commitment to the environment is deeply ingrained in our core values and we aim to demonstrate our responsibility through our actions and corporate policies.

Our vision is to leave an environment that is well-prepared for future generations. Operating in a responsible and sustainable manner is extremely important to us and our commitment to supporting our community. We’re excited to see where this journey takes us and can’t wait to see in what ways we'll be thriving in another 30 years.

Ways we care for our environment

Blue plastic bottles
Limit single use plastics
Tubs of sorted recyclables
Solar panels on top of the aXcelerate office
A box overflowing with various types of batteries
Battery recycle
The aXcelerate Women's Leadership group discussing social ideas
Social impact discussions