12 May

What supporting you looks like in 2021

Our dedicated Support team has been steadily growing over the last six months. You’ve probably spoken to or had digital conversations with Ty, Blair, Wes, George, Drake, Brad, John, Rhys or Bernard.

Over the past few months, we have been continually improving the way we support you. We’ve moved away from the Customer Success Manager model that we implemented in 2020, as we found it difficult for everyone to remain adequately upskilled across all areas of the system. We found this was leading to delays in resolving your queries. In 2021, we’ve implemented a tiered system, to allow your complex requests to be investigated by the best Subject Matter Experts. We strongly believe this will drive the most optimal resolution times yet.

Late last year we began implementing Live Chat, and we’re thrilled to see that our users are loving it! We’re seeing constant growth via that channel, and highly recommend you check it out — even if it’s just to pop in and say Hi! We promise that they are real people providing real-time support every day.

We’d like to provide a gentle reminder that emails to our previous support email address are no longer accepted, however, we welcome your support requests via the following channels:

  • Raising a support ticket in Zendesk
  • Phoning 07 3215 8888 and choosing Option 1 (please note the option number has recently changed)
  • Jumping on to our Live Chat, found via the widget at the bottom-right of this page.

We look forward to supporting you soon!