aXcelerate Beta Testing Programs

Unlocking access to experimental features in your system

What is a Beta Testing Program?

Imagine a company is making a new product, like a feature in a computer program or an app. Before they release it to everyone, they want to make sure it works well, functions as users expect and people like it. So, they ask some clients to try it out before it's officially ready.

That's what a beta testing program is all about.

Clients who join the program get to use the new product before anyone else. They can give feedback on what they like, what they don't, and any problems they find. This helps the company make the product better before it's available to everyone. It's like getting a sneak peek and having a say in how things turn out.

aXcelerate integration logos including SCORM, Stripe, Afterpay, Wordpress, and Hubspot

🚧 What are Experimental Features?

Experimental features, or 'Beta Services', are parts of a product that aren't fully finished yet and aren't ready to be used by everyone. The term ‘experimental’ refers to the potential for these features to have occasional inconsistencies or inaccuracies. Experimental features undergo continuous testing and refinement before they're ready for everyone to use.

What are the phases of an aXcelerate Beta Testing Program?

phase 1

Closed Beta

aXcelerate will proactively identify and engage clients who are interested in exploring experimental features.
Upon eligibility confirmation, aXcelerate will enable these experimental features, evaluating fit based on their Agreement with aXcelerate (Standard T&Cs) and the readiness of the feature.
aXcelerate will collect feedback from clients through channels such as in-app surveys and personalised outreach initiatives.
A commercial cookery learning plan illustrating the customisable journeys available with aXcelerate’s learning management system.
A commercial cookery learning plan illustrating the customisable journeys available with aXcelerate’s learning management system.
phase 2

Open Beta (optional)

aXcelerate will maintain an open invitation for clients to participate in this stage. Clients can voluntarily opt into exploring experimental features on their own initiative.
Have complete control over quality and accuracy by editing and testing the generated template
phase 3

Full Release

Upon successful completion of the beta testing phases, the features will be released into the platform. The features will then become accessible to clients who were not involved in the beta testing. Your access to these feature may still depend on your organisation’s Agreement and licence with aXcelerate.
A learner help request conversation where a learner asks for study assistance. An administrator matches the student with a trainer who can assist.

Beta Testing Terms

To participate in closed beta testing of experimental features, clients must agree to specific Beta Program Terms provided by aXcelerate. Participants acknowledge the risks involved, as Beta Services are provided without warranties, and exclusions apply to Standard Terms during Beta Program participation.

Following the conclusion of a Beta Program, aXcelerate may release the functionality included in the Beta Program into a Product, at which point new terms are provided, and Beta Program terms no longer apply.

aXcelerate reserves the right to monitor usage, use provided feedback, and make changes to the program or services as needed, with updated terms taking immediate effect upon publication on the corporate website.
aXcelerate's AI Principles and Best Practices
AI can be a powerful tool, and it’s important to know how to use it well.

Get involved in our AI closed beta testing program